Club News

Greystones Athletic Club


Well done to all the athletes who competed at the Cross Country in Roundwood last Sunday. We certainly painted the place Red & White, winning practically all the individual championships and taking team medals in all the events, where we had full teams. Our younger athletes were out in force and despite the much longer distances, they proved themselves well capable of the task They produced some outstanding performances, showed great strength and determination and a great team spirit. We were very disappointed with the very poor turnout from U14 upwards. Plenty notice of the dates was given and all athletes were requested to come out and help make up club teams. This is what we are training for and we hope to see a much better turnout this Sun. in Avondale. The full results from Roundwood are on our web-site.

This next event is in Avondale on this Sun 10th Oct. This is the uneven ages and Intermediate event and once again athletes may move up one age group, so there are races for all athletes. Certs are awarded to all athletes in the U9 race who complete the course. Races from U11 up are championship events, with medals for the first three finishers and the first three teams. We hope to see even more athletes taking part this week and full teams in all age groups. Athletes who intend to run need to give their names at training or text Theresa on 0868635797 by next Fri 8th Oct. latest. Please note that Theresa will be away from Sat, so all the paperwork has to be completed before then. There will be no point in ringing on Sat or in turning up on the day without first giving your name. New athletes who wish to compete need to register before Fri.

Friday Training

In an effort to improve attendance at training on Fri we moved Groups 1&2 to the earlier training time of 6pm with the younger athletes. Due to very large numbers (a good thing) and a shortage of coaches (some cover both sessions), this has caused a lot of chaos and confusion on the track and the attendance levels for the older groups haven’t improve at all. We believe that it is in the best interest of all the athletes to revert to our normal training times from this Fri 8th Oct. We apologise for any inconvenience caused by these changes.

Help Still Needed

We could still do with a few more helpers, especially on Tuesday’s. We are not asking anyone to commit to training every week. If we have enough volunteers we can set up a roster, with each person just helping every other week. If anyone is available to help please contact Theresa on 0868635797 asap,or just come on down to training. We promise not to throw you in at the deep end and we have a coaching course coming up shortly.

New Athletes

If you have not returned your registration form, please bring it to training in an envelope with a copy of your birth/baptisimal cert and €15 to cover registration and insurance till the end of Dec. If you have not yet received a form, please ask at training. We need to get these sorted asap so that all our athletes are properly covered. Athletes have now been moved into appropriate groups. If you are not sure which group you’re in, just check with the coaches.

Club Shop,

As some of our gear had not arrived for last Fri, we will have our club shop open again this Fri. Club T-shirts are now available at €5 for youths sizes and €6 for adult sizes. Hoodies will be available this week and orders will be taken where sizes are not in stock. A small number of spikes, sizes 4 &5 are still available @ €30 and there are some rain jackets. We have shower proof leggings in larger sizes.and the club crest is being put on new shower proof jackets. A sample will be available to view. The shop will be open in the room behind the reception area at the track.

Adult Training

The start date for the adult running programme is Tues 19th Oct. with a session at 6pm and another at 7pm. Details will be sent out on a flyer, shortly.


Forest Feast Launch with GAC 2015


Sunday Run on Sept 15th is at Deputy's Pass.

Time: 9.20am - 10.45pm

Ability: 4 miles easy pace.

No solo primary schoolers, please.

Selection of Relay Teams


Closing dates for entries.