Club News

Well done to all the athletes who competed at the Leinster’s in Adamstown last Sunday. The U11’s put in a great effortin their 1st Leinster event, particularly Eve Berney finishing 23rd overall. Eve was followed home in great style byAoife McTague, Shauna Dillane, Katie Homan and Grace Kirwan. In the U11 boys, Liam Lupton Smith ran well tofinish 51st in his 1st Leinster event. Congratulations go to the U13 girls, Laura Fitzgerald 17th, Sadhbh Redford 30th,Anna Hayes 35th, Sinead O’Neill 38th, Lisa Dallaghan 44th, Rosa Kirwan 48th, Sophie Boylan 76th, Isabel Kenny78th, Aoife McDonnell 82nd and Zoe O’Donnell 84th. The 1st 8 of the girls qualified for the All Ireland’s in Tullamoreas part of our county team. Our U13 boys produced some great performances with Scott Howard 24th, Jamie Fallon33rd, Luke Donoghue 34th, Cian Baldwin 63rd and Conor Dempsey 93rd. They were unlucky not to qualify. U17 girlsClaire Fox 12th and Amy Howard 16th and U17 boys, Eoin Taggart 12th also qualify for the county teams, with Claire & Eoin also running for Leinster.

Congratulations also to Niamh Kearney and Ellie Hartnett who represented Ireland in the Lotto Cross Cup in Belgiumon Sunday last. Niamh finished 15th and Ellie 28th over a very challenging course. Well done girls, we are very proudof you both.

The next XC League race has had to be changed from Roundwood on Fri. night and will now be held in Shangannagh Park, Bray on Sun 21st Nov at 1pm. Hoping to see a big turnout for this.

All groups will be in the Shoreline Community centre hall for Friday training for the next couple of months at theirusual times. Tues/Wed will remain on the track no matter what the weather, so please bring rain gear to all sessions.

There are still a small number of athletes who have not returned their registration forms yet. Please bring them totraining in an envelope with a copy of your birth/baptismal cert and €15 to cover registration and insurance till theend of Dec. Those who have not returned their forms will not be able to attend further training sessions until they areproperly registered.

The adult road running programme continues on Tues & Fri evenings and while numbers are still low, we are hopefullythat they will continue to grow over the next few weeks. The Fit4Life sessions on Mon/Wed/Fri also continue at theirusual times. Details from Theresa on 0868635797 or from our web-site or facebook page.

Surprisingly we didn’t get any response to our suggestion for selling on second-hand spikes. I know there are lots ofyou with pairs of spikes lying about at home that are in perfect condition and just gone too small. Root them out and bring them down to us and we will sell them on for you. You can put it towards your next pair. We have anumber of athletes looking for spikes and having difficulty finding them.

I’m sure most of you are familiar with the Bray Lakers Group who support people with learning disabilities, in ourarea. This group have acquired some land and are working really hard fundraising to try and build a centre. They areholding a Santa Run and a 5K race in Bray on Sat 4th Dec to help raise funds for this project. Our club has been askedto lend a hand with this event and we are putting out an appeal for help and for people to take part in the fun run orrace. It promises to be a great day for all the family, with music, facepainting, free mulled wine & soup and a host ofother attractions. So mark this one in your calendar and if you don’t want to run/walk and are free to lend a hand pleaselet Theresa know. Santa suits are provided!!!!!

As mentioned last week, we are shortly going to stop issuing newsletters on paper, so if you want to keep up to datewith what’s happening in your club, you will need to sign up to receive your news letter through our web-site. Wekeep this site up to date all the time and you will find photos and other relevant information here. You can also findus on Facebook. www.greystonesac.comIf you don’t have access to the internet, please let us know and we will supply a paper copy

Forest Feast Launch with GAC 2015


Sunday Run on Sept 15th is at Deputy's Pass.

Time: 9.20am - 10.45pm

Ability: 4 miles easy pace.

No solo primary schoolers, please.

Selection of Relay Teams


Closing dates for entries.