Club News

Greystones Athletic Club

Congratulations to Caoimhe Basquille 2nd in HJ and Niamh Kearney 4th in 800m at the National Seniors in Belfast. It is great to see the girls stepping up to senior level and performing so well.

Congratulations also go to all the athletes who did so well in Nenagh at the Leinster Championships. Thefollowing athletes qualified for the All Ireland’s and we wish them luck: Conor Dempsey 1st LJ and 2nd 60m& 60mH, Lorcan Lalor 1st 60mH, Ara Freeman 2nd 60m , Jamie Fallon 3rd 60m, Lisa Dallaghan 3rd HJ,Claire Foley 2nd 60m & 200m, Claire Fox 1st 800m, 2nd 1500m. Good luck also to Amy Howard (injured forLeinsters) in the 800m/1500m and Caoimhe Basquille in the HJ.

Events that concern us in Magherafelt on 19th/20th March are 60m, 60mH, 1500m, LJ, HJ.
Events that concern us in Nenagh on 2nd/3rd April are 200m, 800m, HJ, relays.

Well done to the athletes who made it to Roundwood for the XC and did so well and once again apologies forthe late reminder. The club is doing well on points so far.

Attendance at training has been very poor in recent weeks, with a number of athletes missing for severalsuccessive weeks. We would remind all athletes that if you do not attend training for a period of up to 3weeks without contacting us re illness/injury, you will be deemed to have left the club and your place willbe given to another athlete. Our waiting list grows longer every week and it is very unfair that athletes areholding places that they are not using while others wait and wait. Several athletes are close to, or over the3 week cut off point and these will be removed from the register this week unless they attend training.

Once removed anyone wishing to return to the club will have to go on to the waiting list. We will be strictlyadhering to this as we are getting constant calls from those waiting to get in.

Greystones AC has always covered the cost of entry fees to competitions, but this is becoming increasinglycostly and wasteful, as some athletes regularly put their names down for events and then fail to turn up andcompete, while others leave their entries till the last minute, which results in double fees having to be paid.The club will continue to pay the entry fees for anyone who gets them in by the due date, but those who pullout after entries are sent or who fail to show up for the event will have to refund the amount paid by the club.Some competitions will accept late entries, but these will have to be paid for by the athletes concerned.

The club shop will be open this Tues 1st March and all orders are now in stock. The shop, which opens onthe 1st Tues each month, is in the room behind the reception area at the track. It will be open from 6pm forabout an hour and a half. We have singlets, shorts, t-shirts, hoodies, jackets, tracksuit bottoms and rain gearin most sizes. We have a couple of pairs of second hand spikes in stock also and one new pair.

An information night, which will incorporate the club AGM, will take place on Thursay 24th March andis open to all Junior & Senior members and parents of all juvenile members. An informal chat where youcan meet the coaches and committee members, hear how we’re doing and our future plans and have anyquestions answered. We are always looking for new ideas so please come along and give us your input. Wepromise it won’t be a long night. Meeting will take place in Shoreline Sports Park at 8pm. 

A reminder to all those selected for the Regional Squad that your next training session is on Sat. 5th March inSantry from 11am-2pm. Please make a big effort to attend.

The St Patrick’s Day parade is coming up. Please let us know immediately if you are willing to walk in this parade with our club.. We will only put in an application if we have a good response.

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Forest Feast Launch with GAC 2015


Selection of Relay Teams


Closing dates for entries.

Entry form for the Leinster Uneven Ages XC on Sat. 2nd Nov. in Tinahely will be up shortly.