Club News


We had an absolutely fantastic weekend in Tullamore, with top class performances all round. See full report on our web page!


We had our best ever turnout for any competition at the Bray event on Tues last. Fantastic performances from young and old alike and Greystones not only retained the overall cup, but also won the relay shield for the very first time. Well done to one & all.




We still have a huge problem with people leaving it till the last minute to give in their names or not turning up for events when they have given their names. This causes a lot of un-necessary problems for the coaches and expense for the club. Athletes who do not turn-up for events they have been entered for, will not be entered again unless they re-fund the fees paid on their behalf.


In view of recent events, we would once again remind parents of the need to ensure coaches are present on the track when children are being dropped off and that you are there on time to collect them afterwards. There are a huge number of children coming on to and leaving the track, particularly at 7pm and with coaches busy trying to do the cool-down, hand out notes, put away equipment and sign in the next group, it is essential that parents are there on time and children are not left wandering about on their own. We suggest that, young children in particular are met at the entrance to the track to ensure their safety, both from traffic and other possible dangers. We would also ask that children are encouraged to use the bathrooms before coming down to the track as we cannot allow them go up on their own and it greatly depletes our resources if we have to send our coaches up and down.

It has been suggsted that a parent’s roster could be set up to oversee the collection of the children and toilet trips during training. With the large numbers in the club, if everyone got involved, it would only mean one or two nights in the year each. If anyone is prepared to co-ordinate this, please let us know asap.


  • Greystones Invitational Event Fri 1st July (see below)
  • National U13-19 Championships, Tullamore Sat/Sun 9th/10th July .(Qualification necessary)
  • National U13-19 Championships, Tullamore Sat/Sun 23rd/24th July .(Qualification necessary)
  • Leinster Combined events, Tullamore Tues 12th July U15 and U16-Sen
  • Leinster Combined events, Tullamore Thurs 14th July U14 and U16-Sen
  • National ‘B’ Championships Tullamore U13-16 Sun 31st July


Greystones AC are hosting a Track & Field evening on Fri 1st July. Details below! We have invited all other Wicklow clubs and a number of clubs from across Leinster. This promises to be an exciting event and a good finish to the year for our younger athletes who will not have training again after Fri 1st, until the first Tuesday in September. The 7pm-8.30pm group will continue to train throughout July as they still have competitions to come. Any U12’s (born 2000) from Group 3 who wish to attend are very welcome, as many will be moving up in Sept. The U 5-6 ‘Little Athletics’ group will finish on Tues. 28th with a little competition night also.

Forest Feast Launch with GAC 2015


Sunday Run on Sept 15th is at Deputy's Pass.

Time: 9.20am - 10.45pm

Ability: 4 miles easy pace.

No solo primary schoolers, please.

Selection of Relay Teams


Closing dates for entries.