Club News

A good start was made last week by groups 1 & 2, with large numbers attending training and a great effort being put in by everyone. Well done to all and to all who made the effort to attend the first Sunday run of the season…….we hope to see lots more coming to these runs in future weeks!!
Training for “Little Athletics” age 5-6 every Tues from 5-6pm.
Training for Groups 3,4 & 5 age 7-10 every Tues & Fri from 6-7pm.
Training for Groups 1&2, age 11+ every Tues. Wed & Fri from 7-8.30pm.
Adult sessions on Mon & Wed at 8.30pm and Wed & Fri at 10am.
Sunday morning run at 10am on any Sun. that we are not competing. Venue will vary from week to week. Athletes will be informed at training each week and venues will be posted on web-site and Facebook page.
All athletes born in 2000 have been moved up to group 2 and those born in 1999 to group 1. Any athlete who would prefer to stay with there previous group should contact Theresa (0868635797) and this can be arranged.
Competition dates and venues will be set at the Co. board meeting this Tues 6th Sept and the Fixture calendar will be up-dated after this.
It would appear that a number of athletes and parents are of the opinion that the club coaches are being paid to coach our athletes. ALL of our coaches, past & present, are volunteers, who give their time and expertise to the club freely and indeed cover their own travel and accommodation costs when attending competitions and other  events on behalf of the club.
Most of the money collected for Registration & Insurance is paid to Athletics Ireland for that purpose. The remainder, plus the €2 a week sub. is used to cover the cost of track hire, hall hire, entry fees, and other administration costs incurred when running a club. In fact, we have to hold fund-raising events to supplement this and cover equipment costs…….see next heading!!!!!!
In an effort to raise funds for the club, our fund-raising committee has organised a bag-pace in Dunnes Stores, Newtownmountkennedy for this coming Saturday 10th Sept. Helpers are urgently needed for this event and assistance from all athletes aged 14 yrs upwards and any available parents will be greatly appreciated. Funds raised will be used to purchase equipment and improve facilities for our athletes!  Anyone willing to help…..even for a little while, should ring or text Helen at 0879881760.  Please lend a hand if you can!!!!! A good response will help us to keep our fees down!
The propose Summer trip (Mystery Tour) will be held on Sunday 18th Sept . A list of those who qualify for this trip is again attached below. Please check this list and if you qualify and intend to take part, you should text Laura on 0871242673  Laura needs total numbers by this Fri.9th Sept. latest, so that we can finalise arrangements for the trip.
Once again we remind parents of the need to ensure coaches are present on the track when children are being dropped off and that you are there on time to collect them afterwards. There are a huge number of children coming on to and leaving the track, particularly at 7pm and with coaches busy trying to do the cool-down, hand out notes, put away equipment and sign in the next group, it is essential that parents are there on time and children are not left wandering about on their own. We suggest that, young children in particular are met at the entrance to the track  to ensure their safety, both from traffic and other possible dangers. We would also ask that children are encouraged to use the bathrooms before coming down to the track as we cannot allow them go up on their own and it greatly depletes our resources if we have to send our coaches up and down.


Last Name    First Name    Group
Dempsey    Conor    1
Diggin    Steven    1
Hayes    Anna    1
Howard    Scott    1
Kenny    Isabel    1
Berney    Eve    2
Boylan    Sophie    2
Browne    Rachael    2
Cafferky    Dympna    2
Casey    Catherine    2
Dallaghan    Lisa    2
Dawson-Whelan    Alison    2
Dillane    Shauna    2
Mc Donnell    Aoife    2
Mc Parland    Susie    2
McTague    Aoife    2
Murphy    Rebecca    2
O'Carroll    Alannah    2
O'Neill    Sinead    2
Pluck    Daniel    2
Redford    Sadbh    2
Colbert    Caitlin    3
Cullen    Ciaran    3
Dallaghan    Frances    3
Diggin    Rachael    3
Healy    Megan    3
Kissane    Julianne    3
Lawless    Katie    3
Lawrence    Aisling    3
O'Neill    Alice    3
Potts    keeva    3
Randles    Claudia    3
Roche    Eva    3
Ryan    Aisha    3
Smyth    Aislinn    3
Wafer    Rose    3
Wilson    zoe    3
Curtis    Ella    4
Doyle    Jane    4
Gordon    Alan     4
Kelly    Sibeal    4
Kirwan    Grace    4
Maguire    Kerry    4
McClelland    Kelsie    4
McDonald    Jessica    4
Mulcahy    Elena    4
O'Brien    Megan    4
Pluck    Alison    4
Hartnett    Lily    5
O'Neill    Ellie    5
Colbert    Aidan    6
Dallaghan    Sophie    6
Holmes    Molly    6
Holmes    Grace    6
Lawerence    Eve    6
McNally    Ellen    6
Mulcahy    Julianne    6
Murphy    Kate    6
O'Brien    Erin    6
O'Neill    Maeve    6
Prendergast    Joe    6

Forest Feast Launch with GAC 2015


Sunday Run on Sept 15th is at Deputy's Pass.

Time: 9.20am - 10.45pm

Ability: 4 miles easy pace.

No solo primary schoolers, please.

Selection of Relay Teams


Closing dates for entries.