Club News

The athletes have now settled into their new groups and we would remind parents & athletes in the 7.00-8.30pm groups that they have three training nights every week and an organised training run on Sunday mornings. Athletes are expected to attend a minimum of two of these sessions each week in order to keep up with the group training. Attending less than this is unfair to yourself, to the coaches and to the other athletes in your group, as it holds back the entire group! Athletes in these groups are also expected to represent their club at a reasonable number of  competitions.  If you cannot give this level of commitment, we will happily move you to the earlier 6-7pm training time, where the work rate is less intense.
Please arrive on time, as we are regularly late starting training, due to people arriving late and holding up the check – in. This results in delayed finishing times which causes problems for everyone!
Athletes who have not attended training for the last couple of weeks and who have not contacted us re illness/injury, have now been removed from our check – in sheets and must go back on the waiting list if they wish to return to the club!
It is the responsibility of parents to make sure children are collected on time after training sessions. Coaches are busy checking in the incoming groups and are unable to supervise collections as well. You are welcome to come down and wait at the lower gate to collect your child.
Well done to all of our athletes who competed in the National XC in Tattersalls, Ratoath last Sunday. All our athletes put in a great effort in very muddy conditions and we applaud their efforts. Congratulations go to Eoin Taggart who won an individual medal in the U19’s, finishing 12th overall. Eoin also took a team gold as a scoring member of the Leinster team.
Best of luck to all our club athletes taking part in the Natonal Championships on Sunday 9th Adamstown, Co Wexford. Let’s hope it’s somewhat less muddy than Ratoath!
URGENT: training for older group only this Fri due to XC League races in Bray for our younger athletes!
As you are aware, Round 2 of the XC league has been changed to this Friday 30th Nov. in Bray Emmet’s grounds, Old Conna Avenue.Bray at 6.30pm. The courses are much shorter than the Championship ones. There was a fantastic turn out from our younger athletes in Round 1, but we fell down in the U14/U15 groups. Big effort please, all eligible athletes should attend this event as we need as many points as possible from all age groups. Names to Theresa by  Thurs latest if you intend to take part. I will not be in a position to add them on I will be working. Entries must be done in advance this time, you can’t just turn up on the night. Little athletics group can also take part. The club cannot cover League costs, so all athletes need to bring €2 please. This event is open to registered athletes only, and younger siblings, friends etc cannot take part. We got into a lot of bother last time because unregistered children ran as Greystones athletes.Certs to all finishers and points for the club!
We are organising some information talks for our older athletes. The first talk, which is on training and race preparation (focus/staying calm etc.), will take place on Sat 8th Dec at 6pm at Shoreline Sports Park. It should take about an hour and a half max. This is open to athletes from age 13 up to adults and should be a big help to all. Please let Theresa know if you wish to attend as we may have to limit numbers due to available space. If spaces are available we will open it up to the remainder of group 1. Further talks are being arranged on Nutrition & Hydration. Details to follow shortly.  
 As the weather has become very cold recently, we remind athletes that they need to bring plenty warm clothes, including hats & gloves, to their training sessions. It is easy to take off  layers if you get too warm, while there is little we can do if you get cold. All athletes should have a rain jacket at all sessions. A number of athletes are wearing very unsuitable shoes to training. You need sturdy runners with a good thick sole to absorb the shock when your feet hit the ground. They don’t need to be expensive just supportive and preferably fabric uppers. Don’t forget to bring water also!
This will take place on Sat 8th Dec and anyone not taking part who would be willing to help out, should contact Theresa immediately please. There is a 5K race and a 3K junior race. Details are on Run Ireland, Athletics Wicklow and our own web-site.
We have a good number of committed coaches helping out, but we really need more help, so please call Theresa 0868635797 if you can spare an hour a week or even every other week. We promise not to throw you in at the deep end. New recruits work with one of our experienced coaches and we also send them on a short coaching course. Ideally, we would love to have two coaches with each of the younger groups, at all sessions. This can be a great way to get involved with your children’s sport and can be very rewarding as you watch the athletes progress.

Forest Feast Launch with GAC 2015


Selection of Relay Teams


Closing dates for entries.