A big welcome back to all of our athletes and if the first week’s training is anything to go by we can look forward to a great XC season. We had a huge turnout on both Tues and Wed, but attendance in some groups was rather poor on Fri evening. Hopefully this was just due to tiredness after the first week back at school and we anticipate a big improvement in future weeks. 

To those athletes who didn’t make it back this week, we would appreciate it if you could let us know whether you are returning or not, as we still have waiting lists on most age groups.

Don’t forget our Sunday runs are back on and are a very important part of the training week. This Sun. we are meeting in Djouce woods at 10.15, ready to run by 10.30am.

We will be holding a registration night for all new athletes on Tues 16th Sept. Registrations for ‘Little Athletics’ 5-6pm group will be taken at their check-in time. Registrations for the 6-7pm & 7-8.30pm groups will be collected between 6.45- 7.30pm in the room behind Reception. Forms are available at check-in each week and are also on the website under ‘Training Times & Club Info’ It would be very helpful if you could arrive with the forms filled out, as it really helps speed everything up and prevents queues forming.

This year’s trip for good attendance will be to Jumpzone in Sandyford and has been arrange to take place over the weekend of the 20th/21st Sept  We have had to arranged two separate days, as there are restrictions on the numbers they can cater for.
Qualification for the trip requires 60% attendance from Sept to May. Points have been awarded for each training night attended since Sept 2013, with bonus points for every competition attended.


The list of qualified athletes has been posted in the sidebar on our website.  Qualified athletes who wish to go on the trip need to let us know right away, as we need to confirm numbers asap.

A new running programme for 12-17 yr olds begins on Mon 22nd Sept, and sessions will be held on Mon & Thurs evenings from 5-6pm and will cost just €2 per session. This programme will offer a chance to Get Fit, Have Fun, Make New Friends & Feel Good. It will begin with an introduction to running & will go on to offer an opportunity to try out throws and jumps, for those who might be interested in these. You will be encouraged to run with others of  similar ability & fitness levels and you will progress at your own pace without pressure. There will be options to go on and join the athletic club later on, for those who might want to.
So come along and get fit in a non-competitive environment, you just need runners and comfortable clothes!


Adult sessions continue to take place on Mon/Wed at  6pm & again at 8.30pm & also Wed/Fri at 10am.  All these are run in conjunction with Shoreline Sports Park, so you don’t have to be a club member, but members get a reduced rate. Our Sunday morning run is for club members, but you are more than welcome to come along for a trial session before joining.

Once again we must appeal for help with coaching and with checking-in the athletes.  A few coaches are no longer available to help at the 6-7pm sessions so we are appealing to anyone who is free to help out either Tues or Fri to please contact Theresa @ 0868635797.
Last year a number of parents took on the roll of checking in the athletes at the track gate and this is a fantastic help to the coaches, who can then get on with the training session. Unfortunately several have given up and the coaches are back trying to multi-task, especially on Friday’s. If anyone is free to give 20-30mins a week to help with this, please let us know.  It is an invaluable help and makes a huge difference to the smooth running of our training sessions.

Forest Feast Launch with GAC 2015


Sunday Run on Sept 15th is at Deputy's Pass.

Time: 9.20am - 10.45pm

Ability: 4 miles easy pace.

No solo primary schoolers, please.

Selection of Relay Teams


Closing dates for entries.