Well done to our GAC athletes who took part in the National XC in Santry on Sunday. Illness struck again this week with only four athletes, Megan O’Brien, Ben Jones, Susie McParland and Cillian Browne, making it to the start line. and some of those were still not back to top form. Great running as always with silver medals going to Ben Jones in the boys U15 and Susie McParland in the girls U17 on their silver medals with the Leinster teams.

Many thanks to all who turned out for our Candlelight run and in particular a huge Thank You to those who put so much effort into setting out the candles & lighting them and to those who did the lovely baking. It couldn’t happen without you guys and the whole place looked amazing when it was all lit up! All the jars were collected next day & have been stored, as we hope to make this an annual event. We raised €285 for Aware, so thanks to all who contributed to this!

Athletes who participated in the athletes assessment day on Sat.15th Nov. are invited to a follow up session at the track on this coming Sat.13th Dec. from 10-12pm. This session will concentrate on sprints, starts, running technique etc. and will be beneficial to all. Your results from the previous day will be available and this will act as your baseline for our follow up sessions.  We also hope to organise a further session during the Xmas break. Details will be sent out to those concerned.

Just two events left to go this year:
Round 3 of the XC League is in Arklow Rugby Club this coming Friday evening 12th Dec. Registration 6.30pm. First race 7 pm. This one is even Ages U/ 8,10,12,14.& 15, but athletes can move up one age group. Entry form is now on the website and entries close on Thurs.11th Dec. at 6pm. Athletes must be registered to compete. Certs to all finishers. Medals are awarded at the end of the League to athletes who accumulate sufficient points by attending regularly.

Please note that there will be no 6-7pm training on Friday 12th , as coaches will be at the XC. The 7-8.30pm training will go ahead for those who are not running in the league!

County Senior & Junior XC will take place on this coming Sunday 14th Dec. in Shanganagh Park. First race at 10.30am. GAC would love to have teams in all 4 categories, so please let Theresa  know if you are available to run.

Please note that our Sunday morning run will take place in Shanganagh Park at 9.30am, that way we’ll be finished in time to cheer on our runners in the races!

The club shop will be open tonight Tues 9th Dec. from 7-8pm, just in case Santa needs any club gear this year! We have singlets, shorts, t-shirts, hoodies, rainjackets and tracksuit bottoms. Some of the gear hasn’t arrived yet, but hoodies & T-shirts can be paid for tonight and will be available before we finish for Xmas. The girls shorts have not arrived and unfortunately we don’t have a delivery date for those. Samples of the new red leggings and sprint shorts are available to view and orders will be taken for these tonight. Leggings and sprint shorts only come in Sm, Med, Lg , there are no children's sizes available.

The 5-6pm group will finish next Tues evening 16th Dec. and the 6-7pm groups will finish on Fri 19th. We will have a Xmas games evening to finish up and maybe a few Xmas treats! These groups will return to training on Tues. 6th Jan 2015.

Our 7-8.30pm groups will finish up on Tues 23rd Dec and will return to training on Fri 2nd Jan., as we have Indoors  and Schools XC  approaching fast for these age groups.

We remind you again that we train in all weathers, hail, rain or snow. In the very unlikely event that we should ever have to cancel training or an event at short notice, a webtext msg. will be sent to all members/parents! Please ensure that you/your child always brings warm clothing and a waterproof jacket to training. While we may very occasionally have access to indoor facilities, we are generally outdoors regardless of the weather, so come prepared for this! On wet nights, gear bags with your change of clothes can be left in the changing rooms at the sports centre.

Forest Feast Launch with GAC 2015


Sunday Run on Sept 15th is at Deputy's Pass.

Time: 9.20am - 10.45pm

Ability: 4 miles easy pace.

No solo primary schoolers, please.

Selection of Relay Teams


Closing dates for entries.