

A big welcome back to all of our athletes and coaches. Attendance so far has not been great and we are now asking that athletes who have not made it back by tonight Tues 15th Sept. let us know if they do intend to return, as we have very long lists of people waiting for places. If we haven't heard from you by the end of this week, we will have to assume that you are not returning to the club. We cannot hold places indefinitely!


As you are all aware, Greystones AC is a completely voluntary organisation, with some of our coaches putting in up to 9 hrs a week coaching plus many hours spent helping out with competitions and the endless admin. involved in running a club like ours. While we know you all appreciate the time and effort given by our volunteers, many of whom have no children in the club, we must appeal to all parents to consider giving us some help or we will not be able to continue. This is a really urgent appeal as we no longer have enough people helping, particularly with the 6-7pm groups. Some of our long time coaches are no longer available to help at these sessions due to changes in their work hours and most of our young helpers are not available this year due to changes in their school schedules. We have 100 children in the 6-7pm groups with only 3 parents from these groups helping with the coaching, and a further 5 with the check-in. We are now making an urgent appealing to anyone who is free to help out for 1 hour on either Tues or Fri to please contact Theresa @ 0868635797. Even an hour every second week would be a great help, if we could get people to share. We will ensure you get some basic training and won't just drop you in at the deep end! Unfortunately, if we don't get some help, we will not be able to continue!


We will be holding a registration night for all of our new athletes on Tues 29thSept. Registrations for ‘Little Athletics’ 5-6pm group will be taken at their check-in time. Registrations for the 6-7pm & 7-8.30pm groups will be collected between 6.45- 7.30pm in the room behind Reception. Forms will be available on the night and are also on the website under ‘Training Times & Club Info’ Fee for the remainder of 2015 is €20 for one child or €15 for an additional child. Those already registered for 2015, do not need to register again.


Athletics Wicklow are holding the first round of the Cross Country (XC) League on Fri 25th Sept. This will be hosted by our own club and will take place on the football field at the top of the Sports Park. Check-in by 6.30pm latest, with the first race starting at 6.45pm sharp, due to fading light. This one is for even ages, but athletes can move up 1 age group. It is open to all athletes up to age 14 (U15) in 2015 and is a participation event, with Certs for all who complete the course. Medals are awarded at the end of the League to athletes who complete 3 or more races in the League. An entry form will go up on our website shortly and entries will close on Wed night 23rd Sept. No late entries accepted. There will be no 6-7pm training that night, as coaches/athletes will be busy with the League.

County XC Championships will take place on Sun 4thOct in Avondale & Sun 11th Oct. In Roundwood. We need as many athletes as possible to take part in these events, so please put the dates in your diaries! More info in the next newsletter!

Forest Feast Launch with GAC 2015


Sunday Run on Sept 15th is at Deputy's Pass.

Time: 9.20am - 10.45pm

Ability: 4 miles easy pace.

No solo primary schoolers, please.

Selection of Relay Teams


Closing dates for entries.