We hope you all had a great summer and what an amazing summer it was! Here’s hoping the great weather continues on into September. We hope you all had a good rest and that you have been back running and gradually building up the miles over the past few weeks,

as requested in our last Newsletter in July and are all now coming back 'Fit to Train' and won’t have to spend the first few weeks trying to get fit. There’s still time for those who haven’t made a start yet! Our first Cross Country events are coming up very quickly, with the first County XC League for U6-U15 due in Sept. & the first of the XC Championships. on Sunday 30th Sept.


For anyone who would like to see where their present fitness levels are:

Inbhear Dee are running a mile challenge on the track in Greystones at 7-00pm next Friday August 31st. You are all welcome to join in. No entry fee........wristbands indicating your time for all! There will also be a 3000m run if any seniors are interested.


Training for Groups 1 & 2 (7-8.30pm) will resume on Tues. 4th Sept, with groups 3-6 (6-7pm) returning on Fri. 7th Sept. Little Athletics (5-6pm) will return on Tues. 11th Sept. Athletes who are changing training times have all now been confirmed, so if you haven’t heard from us your training is at your usual time.


All 6-7pm groups are now at capacity and there is no room at present to add new athletes or to move athletes between the groups. A number of new athletes are doing two weeks trial & a small number of places may arise after this. Anyone who wishes to go on to our waiting list should send details through ‘Contact Us’ on our website.



Greystones AC wishes to acknowledge the generosity of all the coaches, helpers, committee members and of course the athletes who give of their time. We have a very dedicated group of coaches & helpers without whom there would be no club. From time to time some of these coaches have to move on and as there are strict guidelines that we have to adhere to in terms of athlete-coach ratios, we are always in need of more coaches and assistants on the track. If you think you have the time to help out at any of the coaching sessions, even occasionally, please do let us know and we would be delighted to welcome you on board.

Forest Feast Launch with GAC 2015


Sunday Run on Sept 15th is at Deputy's Pass.

Time: 9.20am - 10.45pm

Ability: 4 miles easy pace.

No solo primary schoolers, please.

Selection of Relay Teams


Closing dates for entries.